Associated Information: This page contains articles, information sheets, past AGM information and reports relating to the Downs and Avon Gorge.
Link: The Downs Committee This is the group that manages The Downs and makes decisions about the area and events held there. Members are Merchant Venturers, Councillors and Council Officers. You can look at agendas, minutes and reports from Downs Committee meetings here
membership_form.docx.jpeg |
terms_of_reference_august_2021.pdf |
Constitution of the Friends of the Downs and Avon Gorge (2016) |
covid19_volunteering_guidelines.docx |
downs_d_l_c_h_s_guidelines_-september_2020.doc |
fod_ag_dlc_-_covid-19_guidance_rev__october_updatetjd.doc |
individual_volunteering_-_november_2nd_2020_update.doc |
downs_d_l_c_h_s_guidelines_-september_2020.doc |
fod_ag_dlc_-_covid-19_guidance_rev_tjd.doc |
Article: How clean are our playground 2020 |
Information: covid19 volunteering guidelines 2020 |
Information: corvid-19 statement from Bristol City Council 23 March 2020 |
Article: Inspector rejects Downs cafe plan 2020 |
Article: Shared path on Durdam Downs
Article: Zoo parking issue by Timothy Dowling 2019 |
Article: Bristol wins share of multi-million parks fund 2019 |
Information sheet: The Granny Downs tree trail leaflet 2019.pdf |
Information sheet: The Gully or Walcombe Slade by Martin Collins & Jeff Hurran 2019 |
Information sheet: Asian Hornet info 2016 |
Information sheet: Trees of the Downs by Richard Bland 2017 |
Information sheet: Trees of the Downs: Avenues survey by Richard Bland 2017 |
Information: Botanic Garden experimental plot reports 2012-2018 |
Information Sheet: A history of the Downs tree avenues by Richard Bland 2017 |
Information Sheet: An A-Z of the Downs compiled by Richard Bland 2017 |
Information Sheet: A compact history of FOD+AG 2018 |
Information Sheet: The Haven fact sheet 2017.pdf |
Article: Future of the Downs and Avon Gorge 2017 |
Position paper: Cycling on the Downs 2018 |
Information: Movement and Place workshop notes 2016 |
Report: FOD+AG report to Downs Committee Sept 2017 |
Report: FOD+AG report to the Downs Committee July 2017 |
Report: FOD+AG report to Downs Committee April 2017 |
AGM agenda 2018 |
AGM minutes 2017 |
AGM minutes 2016 |
AGM minutes 2015 |
Report: Annual report nov 2015 |
AGM agenda 2015 |