Downleaze survey. No measurement. Running from junction with Ivy well to Stoke Rd lights. There are 35 trees in this stretch. I could not distinguish between Large and Small-leaved limes, and will need to check in the summer. There are 2 Horse Chestnuts- one at either end, and the western one is a young interpolation. There is one Plane, girth 280 at the junction with the toll road There is one a gap at ST5666 7510, covered by a tree on the toll road and a stump at ST5663 7507. There is one new Small-leaf lime no 15 at ST5653 7499 I think. Girths of the limes are all c 160 but a Large leaf lime at ST5653 7499 is 200 Summary. First recorded in 1869. 1945
Stoke Road west. From war memorial south to Ladies Mile 27/11/17 Six Common limes girth 200 up to the lights There are 23 trees from there to Ladies Mile, and are Common Lime and Horse Chestnut, some Red . A rather sick tree had a 180 girth, but they are all around the 200 mark. There are 8 C. Lime and 5 Chestnuts. It starts with a Silver Maple at the lights with a girth of 210, and there is another maple at ST5686 7513 that may be silver, but only has a girth of 120. At the end there is an Ash tree, on a different line, and with a girth of 280. There is one new SL Lime at ST5683 7515.
The next stretch, Ladies mile to Blackboy has 19 trees. The first on the ladies mile corner is a SL Lime replacement with a 90 girth at 5700 7502. Then the largest tree in the avenue, Horse chestnut at 360 (5701 7502). Then a C Lime (25), first of nine, all 250 They alternate with Chestnuts, some probably red- check. There are 5 of them, at 5708 7497 (200CM) ; 5711 7495 at only 100, st5713 7493 AT 300, st5718 7489 at 210cm, and at the end a red chestnut at 180, ST5725 7484 There are 3 new SLL.
Stoke rd East From war memorial to café 21/11/17 Common Lime and Chestnut, some of them red- CHECK. C Lime are all around 200 , min 180 max 210, Up to lights 7 trees, one out of line. After lights there are 8 C limes all around 200, near café there is one off line then one at 220 and another at 200 before the café and a huge tree, 360, a largest off line with an ash at 310 also off line. These are the oldest in the vaenus on this side SL Lime new 4 trees all 20cm The chestnuts are 8 sometimes alternating with lime totals clime 19, SL lime 4 Chestnut 8 Also one SL lime replacement at 90. Total 33 trees
Stoke rd east From Water tower to blackboy 4/1/18 Small.lefa lime 6, One new, five at c a50, biggets 200. H Chestnut two, one at 100 the other at 200.
Ladies Mile NW, Stoke road to Bakers path There are 29 trees in this section. It starts with a Norway Maple , girth 180 at the junction, and the next tree is a very young replacement SL lime with girth of 80cm Tree no 12 is a hawthorn at ST5691 7487 which presumably was there with the elms. (I did not take its girth) and there are 27 limes, one of which is a Silver Lime with a girth of 250 already, At ST5686 7475 the others are all around 180.
Ladies Mile NW Bakers path to circular road Nov 21 34 trees kin this section. 4 are newly planted Small-leaf. There are 20 Small leaf lime, all c 150cm but two one at 100 and one at 80. One probable Large leaf was 190, and probably a second at 200cm One Silver lime was 200cm. There were three Common Lime, one at 190 and two massive ones at 300 and 310 clearly much older. Also one last Huntingdon Elm,(250cm) one Wych elm at 160cm, which was suffering at the end of this season. One young ash , 120cm girth, possibly planting error and two Norway maples , 150 and 190cm both assumed planting errors. All trees planted c 1980 hence normal growth rate of 4.3 pa One gap at ST5661 7431.
Ladies Mile SE 31 trees from junction with circular road to Bakers path and then 18 to top path and 6 to stoke rd, total 57. Three gaps. ST5680 7465, probably because of encroaching scrub and ST5682 7468 with pit. Then ST5694 7489 near upper path. 40 SL Lime (?LL Lime) at around 180, max 190, min 120 But 8 smaller replacements as follows From s end, one with 80 girth , which had been overshadowed by scrub, then one at ST5831 7433 at 70cm. At ST5670 7445 a tree with memorial stake in memory of Stuart Taylor 1988-2002, girth 70, Tree at ST5686 7477 with mistletoe 60cm, and second one at ST 5689 7481 also with mistletoe at 90 and ST5691 7486, an odd tree at 60cm N of upper path two small tres at ST5696 7495 with 90 and 100cm. Silver Limes. Often planted opposite Silver limes on NW side. 8 in all, all markedly taller and larger girth than Small-leaf. All between 180 and 230 (latter at ST5698 7498)
Circular Road Going south from Gully bend East side. There are 33 SLL on this section. 10 of them are smaller, and not yet measured There are three ash trees, (trees 3,4, and 14) 2 Silver Birch, trees 7,8, one old Common Lime tree 20 girth 160 check, ? Measured. The last tree before Ladies mile is a very small Wych Elm girth 110cm There are four gaps because the running track is too close to the road to allow planting. They are at ST5641 7438, ST5650 7445, ST5638 7426, and ST5639 7414 where the ice cream van is.
Going south from gully bend on west side. There are 29 SLL on this section, roughly aligned with the opposite side of the road. Tree 18 has a lean as it was hit by a car when young. Tree 5 is an Ash Hawthorn mini clump, tree 12 is an Oak , Tree 15 is an old Common Lime. There is a gap at ST5640 7437. And a stump at ST5636 7430 The tree was showing signs of disease since c 2015, removed in 2017. There is a gap in the series at the Peregrine watch point, and the large Holm Oak at ST5638 7408 fills the corner. The last section has an Ash (tree 32), then a Yew hawthorn combo and finally a Sycamore girth 220cm, before the last SLL girth 100cm by the path.
Old Toll road from ladies Mile to Bakers path 21/11/17 General. 14 Copper beeches identified, but not all Beeches. Typical size 150-190 giving growth rate of 5.0-5.8 since 1980. Four infills c 2000. Ash oldest tree, then two C lime at 250, say 1885 planting, along with Black walnut. Norway Maple and variegated Sycamore accidents from 1980.
East. Two new planted Beech. 22 Beeches all around 180, though one at end by Bakers path only 100 as replant. two Common Lime, both apron, one with shoots and layers at ST5663 7444 (close to scrub with Sycamore) the other 250 at ST56637456 One Norway maple (180cm) an error perhaps. One old Black Walnut with scrub so no girth but large at ST5664 7461 One veteran ash stump'
West Five newly planted beech, one looking poor. 21 Beech all around 180, though last two by Bakers path were 90 and 100cm replants. Two Variegated Sycamore one at 150cm at ST5663 7452, possible errors Old Toll rd Bakers path to top w 27/11/17 20 trees in all. Mostly beech at around 120, and three new beech. 9 up to n Path 5 after it. 3 have scrub around them There are two Black walnuts one at200 at the end. There is one gap occupied by 3 elm suckers. On easts side there are 10 beeches to the n path most c190 but four at c 190 and one at N path at 160 One new next to baker and 3 others N of N path there is one new, 4 at c 120, four at 160-180. At the end are two Norwya maples at 180
Old Toll road sum. 25 of the beeches are copper. Beech total 61
Saville Road avenue. 28/11/17 52 Horse chestnuts measured and 6 others recorded. 3 Common Limes were part of avenue and 8 Hungarian oaks planted 2016. One gap at ST5684 7554. Road built 1870. Two common limes and one Horse Chestnut appear to be older than this, and may have been part of planting close to the Ostrich pub. 16 Chetsnuts from that survive. A second planting c 1890 14 trees surviving from that now around 3 metres girth A third planting c 1910 9 trees from that. An interwar planting of 8 trees, and 7 from c 1950 now at 150cm. Two trees date from c 1970 And the 8 Hungarian oaks planted 1916 One sick tree A) 5m+ Assume 1820 one. B) 320-380, assume 150 years, planted c 1870 Eleven trees C) 240-300 c 100 years, planted c 1910. 15 trees D) 150-200 c 60 years planted 1960. 8 trees E) 80cm one tree planted 1980
Upper Parrys Lane 2/12/17 17 Horse Chestnuts, varying between 310 and 190. 1 Red horse Chetsnut, only 120, and may be a late infill c1960. This road existed before Savile rd (Check), but was not part of the toll road system. All Savile rd trees planted in 1870 are 310 plus, so it is fair to assume that at least 8 trees, 260-310 were planted c 1910 with growth rates of 2.6-3.1 6 trees 190-240 were inter war rates of 2.7-3.4 New Hungarian oaks all look healthy. NB They have hairy buds
Westbury Rd, White tree to N end. 3/12/17 29 trees on w side, 24 on east. 2 new SLL, two on w and on w. Gaps one on w four on east. In part alternate Clime and Chestnut, ? Red, but 4 ? red on west five on east. Small leaf limes two on west and 3 on east ( assoc with roundabout) One Ash on east. Common limes, 18 on west, 14 on east. One tree on east probable LLL. Common Limes Five large, 250-280. Also LL Lime at 270- lots of fruit. 13 240-200 (ie up to a century) 13 to 150, two 140,120 ? red chestnut nine 160-90 all looking feeble not yet checked- tried to but could not tie things up. Small leaf lime One 150, four 120-80
Westbury Rd , Whitetree to Upper Parry, west side.14/12/17 Too cold! Large Leaf Lime- oldest by far at 400, massive and tall Common Lime 7 trees one at 250, rest 170-200 Chestnuts Three ? red at 160. I must check these against the summer records. Horse Chestnut Two at 250 Norway maple. One def at 160, but another with odd leaves at 130 Small leaf lime One new One Gap
Westbury Rd whitetree to clay pit, east. 15/12/17 Cold. 32 trees added in and two stumps and a gap. Common Lime 15 trees, 310 to 140, four over 250, and clearly earlier at say 1880, ten around 200 at say 1920 and two infills at say 1970, given growth of other plantings Also two possible LL lime, carrying seeds, without epicormic one 200, other 150 Two query red Chertsnut at 170, six Horse chestnut one at 300, but probably fastre growth than lime one at 250 three around 200 that makes them planted c 1980. Three yourn norway maple at 160 and one Sycamore the same, an error presumably. But the grand daddy is the Ash stump, almost all eatend away, ten feet high, still alive and 340 which puts it back to 1860. So was the wavnue an Ash avenue originally, or was this tree just incorporated?
Westbury Road Parrys lane to Blackboy west 19/12/17 Cool day. I had not noticed before that the eastern side had trees that are not actually private but look so . Still have to do that section. Seven gaps/stumps. 1 Silver maple, poor. 13 chestnuts mostly ? red 20 Common lime. One at 370, stood out, but also 300 and 240 Then 15 trees 210-160 average 190, Hence planted 1920? Two at 120, 140 distinctly smaller
Westbury Rd East Clay pit to quarry 23/12/17 Final section One young ash, two Hornbeams close together, four whitebeams in private land at 110- so 40 years? 6 Common limes also private at 140. Two horse chestnuts and one common lime at 350 set back to a wall off line
Zoo lime avenue 5/12/17 14 Limes trees, nine of them original, and may have been planted in 1839- Measured max 350 min 260, all maidens, but trimmed. One with mistletoe, Four young trees probably small-leaf lime, at c 120, 40 to 130, planted c 20 years ago, and one new still staked planted say two years ago. Several obviously missing- as the end one is almost at the Avenue.
Westbury Park Road. 13/12/17 When was this made?. It clearly originally angled off the main road. It has a continuous Horse Chestnut avenue on the west side, and one that runs from the Westbury rd junction to Royal Albert road on the east- after that the fringe is too narrow, though trees in the gardens of St Christophers take over. The distance apart is greater than the standard 20m There were 10 Indian chestnuts planted in 2016, one of which is almost certainly dead. There are two large gaps that need filling. There are 21 mature Horse Chestnuts, 16 original trees ranging from 390 to 300, hence planted C 1860 one at 250, one at 200 planted in 1982 hence rate of 5.0 and three recent infills at 100-150, hence planted 20-30 years ago, before leaf miner, in 1990s Also one young hornbeam at Prince Albert rd junction, one resistant elm at North rd junction and one Silver birch at path junction
Clifton Down Road 18/12/17(Ie end of Canynge rd.) One LL Lime replacement , 5 SL Lime now 170-240., rate 4cpa to 6 cpa- quite unimpressive.
Clifton Down N 18/12/17Section from BVR junction to Clifton down junction. On Proctor triangle Beech 21 Hornbeam 1. This is a double avenue on either side of path. Max 340 Min 200, and three infills at 110, 140, 160 averega 267- does that give planting date? At 4cpa that is 1960.
Promenade , 18/12/17Section from BVR Junction to bend. This is double avenue centred on broad walking path. . Beech 33 trees and one stump sdown this year. Max 350 at s end Min 200, , with new tree at 90 and one at 170 one at 140 Average 270, same as other side. Further up, not m3easuerd much smaller. 20/12/17. Bend to bus stop 24 Beech trees. Two 330 and 310, clearly 80 years at least. 3 at 250 ; 3 190-220; 5 at 150, six 100-110, 5 40-70 Two biggest perhaps pre-war, then planti9ns every decade from `1970 Clearly problems establishing 9/1/18 Bus stop to top cold drizzly day 17 more beach, and one beech stump, plus a holly on line. At top end clearly an attempt to continue the avenue has faled. The stump is 140 nad has c 20 rings, measure radius 23, which fits in with a 1.0 ring size, and annual growth of 7.0cm pa But close to top end a tree with 290 girth, showing that there was a pre war avenue to the top. Two othere are c 210,. Five at 150, ( so years) 7 at 110 ( 15 years) and one at 80( 10 years)
Analysis of whole avenue 5 330-350 9 300-320 12 250-290 14 200-240 10 150-190 8 130-140 20 years old
Clay Pit road 23/12/17 Three new Tulip trees, one gap, one stump, 7 Horse cestnuts One young at 90, one at 200, 5 at 400-300 so planted 1860
Westbury Park path 23/12/17 One ash, 320. 2 gaps One ? Red chesnut with cancverous blobs One Silver Birch one Small leaflime at 90 and three new planted. Otherwise all Large leaf lime I. think Biggest 470 and another at 400 smallest 260 Average of all is 330, or 340 cutting out top and bottom, implied planting 1850 .
Clifton green 1, Clifton green 2 and Clifton down S 29/12/17 Nasty cold wind. Each of these is some 100m long. I did not get round to suspension bridge path. Clifton Green 3 does not exist I now think.
Clifton green 2 29/12 is a well defined Beech avenue starting at the Junction with canynge rd and going to the Mall. It has 12 trees, 9 of them beech, four of those young – 50 to 110, four are 270 to 230 (Av 250, so ?? 100 yrs ). There are 3 limes, 120 to 150, I think one is LLL, others SLL
Clifton Green 1 29/12 Runs from the Mall to wards Christ church, but finishes at the Clifton Down crossing It’s an obvious desire line once the church is built. Art the Mall end there is a Japanese Cherry, but it is clearly a Lime avenue There are 11 trees in all, One Hornbeam at the Mall end, an error, then5 common Limes, 310 to 200, and at the east end five young SL Lime, 80 to 110 (av 100, asay 20 years old).
Clifton Down S runs from the roundabout up to the junction with Suspension bridge path. It has a variety of species, but all planted on the line. The granddaddy by the roundabout is a common lime of 320, the largest and could be 1860, and could be the last remnant of a former avenue. Otherwise there are ten trees, 3 SLL, (two of them at the end of Clifton Green 1), one Beech, part of Clifton green 2 and at 230 the oldest tree in the line, one Fiewld maple and 3 Norway maples 200-150 say 1960 planting. Finally therea young ailanthus at 170, growing fast.
Ash wood avenue. 31/12/17. This is 300 m longan avenue of young beeches planted c 1980- one is dedicated to someone who died in 1981 There are ten beeches in all, ranging from 130 to 180 One or two places it looks as if Cherry planted in between- but has succoured and become scrubby. One at leasts is now attached to the wood. At the wets end there is a young sll a toung hornbeam and a young ash, all around 100 It is a secret avenue average is 150, to give planting in 1980 at 4.0cpa
Roman road 4/1/18 Plus end of stoke rd and end of U Belgrave. 17 trees, nine on N 8 on S. 5 horse chestnut, rest Small-leaf lime, 3 new, . Chetsnut max 210, one 1t 70 others 130. 9 limes around 150. Chetsnuts vary; small, 70; medium 100-130 3 and large170-210 thre eplantngs. Small leaf lime. 11 at 110-170 average 140. Three 190-210/ same planting,
Upper belgrave rd 5/1/18 This is partial. There are three young SLL down by the propound, but big gaps between them and then it peters out opposite worral rd. From bakers path theer are 18 SLL, with gap of c 35 m between them, though north section becomes standard 20m. They are all c 150 cm, though at far end are two at 250, which might have gone in as part of the road proposals sdemo. Suspension bridge path 5/1/18 This is no loner an avenue, but may have been a sycamore avenue as there are 5 sycamones on line, , max 340. Plus two younger beeches. Other side of bridge road there is a plane and 3 sycamores, and a very young oak Clifton 3 and Clifton diagonal do not exist, but the diagonal to Campo road has 3 beeches max 280, and nearby there is a beech at 310
Only top end of promenade to do
A note on Lime growth rates 1 Clifton College trees planted 1862 max girth 300, minimum 250, twice pollarded , rate 1.7pa to 2.1pa. 2 Ladies Mile Large and small-leaved limes max 200, 5.7pa Silver Lime 7.1 pa 3 Stoke Road Common Lime 4 Ladies mile SLL are around 150 normally, hence 4.3cmpa 5 Toll rd Beech are around 180 , growth rate of 5.1 6 Ladies mile SL Lime planted 2002 70cm rate 3.3 cmpa Stump on Lake road of cherry 26 rings counted in 12 cm tree rings av 0.4 cm. Girth will have been 72 cm which is growth rate of 2.7cm pa 7 Ash stump wetsbury park Nine years old (nine rings to centre girth 70, av 7.7pa, rings 1.2cm 8 Beech by ashwood in memory of man who died 1985 is 150 cm, 5.0cpa at ST5620 7498 Second beech in avenue in memory of 1981 deatnh at 140 ST5616 7498 this is 4.0 cpa
9 Ash stump on old toll road. Hollow ecbtre but I could count last ten and lat 40 years The last 40 years put on 170mm in radius, or 4 mm a year, equivalent in girth to 1.2cm pa. The last ten years were just 40mm or slightly slower.