Peregrines Grid reference ST5634 7411
Peregrine falcons have bred in the Avon Gorge since 1990. From the Peregrine Watch Point you might be lucky enough to catch sight of these super speedy predators. Whilst hunting their prey, they can reach speeds around 200mph (388 km/h).
The best times to see the peregrines’ spectacular aerial displays are: March when the adults are courting and June and July when the youngsters have left the nest and can be spotted practicing their hunting skills. Patience is needed but an hour’s watch will almost certainly ensure a sighting of these magnificent birds.
Read the information panel to find out more about them. Copies of the Peregrines in the Avon Gorge and Downs Bird Trail leaflets can be picked up from Café Retreat. In June and July, the Bristol Ornithological Club also runs peregrine watch weekends.
Peregrine falcons have bred in the Avon Gorge since 1990. From the Peregrine Watch Point you might be lucky enough to catch sight of these super speedy predators. Whilst hunting their prey, they can reach speeds around 200mph (388 km/h).
The best times to see the peregrines’ spectacular aerial displays are: March when the adults are courting and June and July when the youngsters have left the nest and can be spotted practicing their hunting skills. Patience is needed but an hour’s watch will almost certainly ensure a sighting of these magnificent birds.
Read the information panel to find out more about them. Copies of the Peregrines in the Avon Gorge and Downs Bird Trail leaflets can be picked up from Café Retreat. In June and July, the Bristol Ornithological Club also runs peregrine watch weekends.